Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 3

In almost everything I've read about the Master Cleanse it always says Day 3 is the worst for most people.  I was worried... but I'm fine.  I was really really tired this morning but after my eliminations and first glass of lemonade I perked up a bit.  I'm still tired.  I would love a coffee...  mmm... Dunkin Donuts iced coffee.  I didn't realize how much I absolutely love Dunkin Donuts until doing this cleanse.

Anyway...  same deal as the past two days.  Woke up at 9:47 (which is weird cause that's the exact same time I woke up yesterday) but decided I should sleep some more so finally got up around 11:40.  Did the salt water...  it was more bearable to drink today.  Oh yea...  I woke up in the middle of the night to eliminate.  I think the additional laxatives was a good idea.  I also realized I wasn't drinking that much water so I've upped that as well.  

"The book" says sometimes the worst day is Day 4.  That'll probably be mine.  Although I'm hoping I have no worst days.  I've been feeling pretty good.  Tired and hungry.  But I mean I though I was going to be nauseous and dizzy which I usually get when I diet but I'm not at all.  

Oh yea...  the best part of my day is I let myself lick the spoon that I use to measure the maple syrup after one or two drinks.  It's like intensely sweet but yum.  It's a treat.

K...  it's 3pm.  I have to eliminate and go to class.  

8:34pm:  Got home from class about an hour ago... I was definitely less hungry than yesterday (which was odd because I drank about two glasses less before class today than I had yesterday) but during class I was really tired and couldn't focus at all.  It was the first class (of all the classes this week) and I feel like usually I'm the most focused the first day... but I just couldn't pull it together this week.  I'm really really tired.  All I want to do is watch TV and cry.  :-(

I had a double glass (making that 4.5 so far)  Not hungry.  But sad.  :-(   I just had an ichat with my cousins and aunt. I don't think that's what made me sad.  I'm just lonely.  One of my suitemates was all dolled up going on a date with her boyfriend.  And Im just stuck here... no one to talk to nothing to do.  All I want to do is cry.

I dont have a scale (and won't be able to weight myself until the day after the cleanse anyway) but I definitely don't think I'm losing any weight...  I thought I would lose something by now.  I know I said that wasn't a major reason why I was doing this but still.  If I'm not eating I'd like for my fat gut to go down at least a little.  I've read other blogs where they're like "Day 3 and 23lbs gone!" or "Day 4 lost 15 lbs so far!" and I'm just like whaaaaaat? I've barely been exercising...  I've barely walked this week cause of the snow and my fatigue.  I just hope I'm doing this all right I really don't feel like I am.  But I am following the book exactly so I don't know.  I am sad.  

9:57pm:  So I had bought the Chocolate Smooth Move tea (and peppermint) but haven't drank it (nor the peppermint) so I decided I'd give it a try tonight.  I've drank it before and remember it being disgusting but BLEH.  This is the first thing on this cleanse that's actually made me gag.  Even the thought of it makes me gag.  So I drank it...while gagging... and now I feel nauseous.  Which is probably bad because I also took 6 laxative tablets.  I'm probably so going to regret this in the morning (or the middle of the night).  I doubt I'll drink the tea again.  I wish I didn't waste the 5 bucks on it.

10:08pm: I am freeeeeezing.  And the heat is up to 77.  And I just drank tea...  you'd think I wouldn't be shivering but I am.  I wanted to watch that Charm City Cake show but I decided against it...  even though I'm not hungry at all... and I don't ever really want cake (I'd much rather a Ruben or a hot dog... I've been thinking about hot dogs A LOT the past three days.  That's it... when I can eat I'm going to Ben's and getting a pastrami on rye with russian dressing and two hot dogs and a knish...yesssssssss I'm excited) but I just couldn't risk it.  There's definitely some activity going on in my stomach.  Bubbling and gurgling and a little cramping but not bad.  

11:35pm:  I was talking to my crazy cousin about 40 minutes ago... drank 1.5 glasses (total of 6 for the day...  am I losing my mind?  Did I drink a glass in between coming home from class and now?  I don't think so) and eliminated... and just did so again.  I'm thinking it's the tea doing its job.  It's not like I'm eliminating solids... but it's not pure liquid like it is in the morning.  It's like...  grainy and a little flakey.  My stomach hurts for the first time since commencing the cleanse... but as long as more is coming out of me I'm happy.  Maybe the tea was a good idea.  Gag  ew.  

I want to apologize if anyone is in fact reading this and think that I'm vulgar.  I'll have you know I'm a very classy gal...  I just really want to be as blunt, honest and detailed as possible.  Oooh my tummy hurts.

I was worried that I was drinking too much pulp (thinking that the "solid" stuff in my eliminations was only the lemon pulp) but I read up on it and having some pulp in your drink is not a bad thing.  Some may argue that it's fiber properties are beneficial...  others say it may cause your digestive system to do more work and kind of distract itself from the cleansing process.  Stanley Burroughs said it's fine...  so it's fine by me.  I'm definitely not going to get worked up over pulp.  

One week from today I'll be ending my cleanse.  Just keep swimming... just keep swimming.  I can't believe when I wake up tomorrow it'll already be day 4.  :-)

12:18am:  Gonna watch some Conan and go to bed.  I'm hungry.  It terrifies me that this all might not be working and I'm doing it all for nothing.

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