Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2

I woke up before 10am without an alarm for the first time in years.  I pooped first thing when I woke up and then relaxed until about 10 when I made my salt water flush.  I ran out of bottled water last night (totally slipped my mind to get some before class) so I boiled tap water for the salt water flush (I hope that's ok)  Agh.  It's not that the flush tastes bad...  the book said to pretend its a salty broth and that does help.  It's just that it's so much to drink!  And I just want to get it over with.  I tried sipping it but it was taking just too long.  I tried gulping it but that made me a little queasy.  Finally after a good half hour I finished and about 30 seconds later... peed out of my butt (eliminated..jeez).  

11:00ish:  I made my first drink.  I actually brought it with me and drank it on the toilet because I was eliminating frequently.

12:11pm:  I got on the bus to go to get some water.  It snowed like 3 inches last night.  125th St+ snow = not fun.  Some guy laughed at me cause I stepped in a puddle.  I laughed at him cause he's unemployed.  

12:52:  Got my water came back drank my drank (1.5 making it 2.5 so far today).  Eliminated right after...  or actually in the middle of drinking my drink.  I think that was my 6th time today (do I really need to get count?)  It's still yellow with some flakey bits in it.  Oh yea...  during one of my morning eliminations I definitely saw some mucus in there.  

I had no idea my poop was going to be yellow liquid.  I'm trying to understand how the yellow liquid is excess waste in my body.  I understand that it probably contains a lot of toxins...  but I feel like I have fecal matter sitting in my digestive system that's been there for years just rotting and I want it out of me.  Is that not happening?  Am I just getting rid of the toxins and not the excess waste?  Will it change?  I guess we'll have to see.

When I was out  I almost stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a bagel just out of habit.  I was going to say that I'm not hungry... just craving food... but I am hungry.  And tired.  

7:46pm:  Got back from class and had a glass of the drink.  Actually I had two in one...  I accidentally added twice the amount of water after I had put in everything else.  I'm hungry.  Really really hungry.  I'm having trouble focusing...  all I want to do is watch Family Guy...  which definitely is not as funny if you're not high.  This girl in my class was eating a candy bar...  chocolate... and the best kind... the kind you buy from the kids on the subway when they're raising money for their school.  Mmmmm...  I'm gonna eat like 10 of them when I can.  

I don't know what I'm going to do on Sunday (Day 6)...  I have to be at work at 8:45am.  So I doubt I'll wake up early enough to do the salt water and really don't want to risk...anything.  

10:48:  Just finished my last glass of the day (total of 9).  I eliminated something other than pee about two hours ago...  after I finished by previous glass (which was really 2).  It was like little coco puffs...  yum...  eww...

I'm not as hungry as I was.  I probably will be in like five minutes though.  I don't feel like I'm eliminating enough.  I have problems with constipation as it is and I expected to poop a lot more while doing the cleanse.  Maybe I will in the next coming days.  But I re read part of the book and it says that to heighten results you should take a herbal parasite cleanser product.  He suggests cloves, cinnamon and others (just google it).  

Agh I don't even feel like talking about this anymore.  Fuckin these Staten Island bitches probably undergrad live next door and are so fucking loud and it is so fucking irritating and they just banged on the wall so I banged back... hard.  I had like a rush of anger.  Now I'm sad.  Now I'm crying.  I've been really sad the past few days.  I don't know if it's the cleanse... it probably isn't.  It's probably just everything else.  Fuck this SUUUCKS.  I want my mom.  I want my mom like a little fucking kid wants their mom.  I'm miserable.  It like hits me every night around this time.  I hope it's the cleanse only cause that means it will eventually end.  

Back to the cleanse...
My nose is definitely running.  I read that this can happen cause the mucus is breaking up.  Or it could just be that its cold and snowy out.  My body definitely still hurts (especially my hips...I couldn't even walk last week and this week isn't that much better).  

This cleanse is definitely not what I thought it was going to be like so far.  That's neither good or bad. And I feel like there's no one really I can ask (not like I know anyone that's done this) or read anything on a blog and count it as anything more than that persons own personal experience.  They're not experts and everyone's unique.  So I guess I have to just keep going.  I keep chanting my little motivator in my head over and over...  just keep swimming...  just keep swimming...  what do we do we swim, swim  (Finding Nemo...  thinking of you April).  

11:32pm:  I forgot to mention that I took 7 laxative tablets at about 9pm instead of the 5 I had been taking.  I didn't think five was having enough of an effect.  I just eliminated psuedo-solid matter.  My butt hole is on fi-ya!

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