Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 8

3:51pm:  Agh I totally am uprepared for class and need to go search for the book I should have read and try and read it in 40 minutes so I'll be quick.

Woke up early... go me.  To a text from the cut boy nonetheless :-)  Went to Apple...  got a newer version laptop and doubled my RAM for free.  How?  I don't know.  So...  good day so far... except for the being unprepared for class...  :-(

I did the salt water this morning...  yuck...  and I feel like I just eliminated the salt water and not much solids.  One of the eliminations was like all mucus though so actually I take it back...  it probably was a good thing I did it.  I'll skip the tea tonight and do the flush again tomorrow.  Um what else...  Had 1.5 glasses before I left (I meant to have another but forgot but wasn't that hungry throughout my Apple journey) and now I'm drinking 2.5 more before class... up to 4 today.  

My old coworkers want me to come over tonight but its snowing and I don't have snow appropriate shoes and I'd rather not subject myself to watch people eating (I am so very thankful I haven't had to be with anyone and food... like my family... during this time... it's made everything so much easier)...  and the cute boy said he might text me.  So I don't know if I should go to my coworkers...go home and maybe the guy will call... I don't know... we'll see.

Oh yea speaking of family...  my aunt obviously heard from my mother (because nothing is left unshared in my family) about my doing the cleanse and she gave me props.  It felt good.  I bet she's jealous I have the will power... she's that type. 

So I'm acknowledging the fact that I've lost some weight (I won't know how much til I go home in 3 days).  But I feel like it's just a temporary thing and the second I put something in my mouth I'm going to blow up again.  But something occurred to me.  I'm really REALLY excited to eat again... and that was making me sad because I'm gonna get fat and be lazy like I was... but then it occurred to me... I'm excited to eat healthy foods.  I know now what it's like not to eat... so I definitely have an appreciation for all foods, even good for you foods!  Imagine that.  I will let myself be bad every now and then... let's be realistic.  But generally I picture myself eating a lot better.  I'm really hungry right now.  I am the hungriest at night it seems.... I wonder how much of this is real hunger and how much is boredom.  I'd say 65:35.  

1:08am:  Woooooooooooooooooo!  The cutie from the bus came over!  And we watched a movie.  And I let him pick...  and he picked......CLUELESS!  YAY!!!  I drank another drink...let him try it... thought it was way too spicy.  So I just took 6 laxatives and now have to try to go to sleep but I'm sure I'll just think of him.  :-D   

Oh yea...




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