Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 7

12:52pm:  I totally screwed up my plans of waking up early...doing the flush...getting things done.  I was EXHAUSTED this morning I slept til 11:40.  I slept like a really really deep sleep and I just let myself keep going I felt I deserved it.  Sleep helps the body recover and heal itself so I thought I needed it.  I eliminated in the middle of the night and twice after I woke up.  The second elimination looks like all mucus.  Except there was something in there that could have been a parasite...  it looked like a worm kind of... or it could have just been a worm shaped poop.  My stomach hurts.  I'm drinking two glasses before I go to school to get some work then.  Ooooo but my stomach hurts.  I'm like doubled over.  It feels like stuff needs to come out but I just can't imagine anything is left in there too.  Oh yea... I skipped the salt water.  I could not bare the thought of it.  Plus I didn't want to hang around for a few hours while I eliminated because I have to get out.  I feel I'm eliminating more solids with the tea anyway so I think I'll do the flush tomorrow and see how it goes... if it's just liquid I'll go back to the tea for the last two days.   I am soooooo tired!  I feel like my eyes aren't open all the way and that the bags under them need a cucumber or something.  God how I would love to lay in bed all day.  But instead I have to do math homework that apparently a kindergartener should be able to do BUT I CAN'T FIGURE OUT.  It's so embarrassing.  Agh okay... I'm going

4:38pm:  Just got back from Whole Foods (which took way longer than it should have cause a building was on fire on 125th and the bus couldn't get through but I met a way cutie while waiting so heehee...  I for some reason even explained to him that I was fasting and that's why my breath smelled...oh god I'm an idiot).  Whole Foods was TORTURE..  seeing all that food and smelling all the smells and watching people eat.  I was like GET ME OUT OF HERE.  I can't wait to go food shopping there though after this is done.  But I should go to Trader Joes... I think it's a lot cheaper.  Oh I got a few oranges (4 for 6 frickin is so expensive and I am so broke) to eat on Friday.  I'm drinking 2.5 glasses.  I don't think I'll be able to have another glass before I get home from class at 10pm.  I'm going to be hungry and not focus. 

Okay that's another thing.  I am not focusing AT ALL.  I feel like when I do when I smoke a ton of weed the night before... like if I try to read, I'm just looking at the worlds, not actually reading them.  I thought this was supposed to make focusing better.  Maybe weed makes focusing better.  Maybe when I start eating again I'll start focusing cause I just can't continue like this.  Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to do this the first week of classes.  I already feel totally lost in every class and we haven't even really begun yet.  Okay going to school to "read" and then class.'

11:37pm:  I got back from class at like 10.  I totally don't remember what I've been doing since then other than I took a shower.  I'm like totally in a daze.  I had two glasses .after I got home and I'm having another 1 now (total of 7.5 today).  

My skin is really bad.  I have pimples everywhere and I never get pimples.  :-(  I hope it's the toxins rising to the surface in the form of zits.   I feel ugly.  But what else is new.  

1:08am:  I just realized I forgot to take my laxative tablets.  Agh.  I usually take them at about 9pm but I just took 7 now.  I really hope nothing happens at the Apple Store.  I'm doing the salt water tomorrow.  I'm really really hungry.  I'm getting really sick of this.  Three more days.  I've done 8, I can do 3 more.  I saw a commercial for Taco Bell.  That's what did it.  I am starving.  I can't wait til Saturday...even though my last day is Thursday... I'm letting myself have the Ruben Saturday.  I'm thinking of it like I was originally going to do the cleanse just for a week... so Saturday would be my good to eat day then.  I don't know that doesn't make sense.  I don't care.  I'm having a Ruben Saturday.  I think I would need to do the cleanse longer than ten days to really detoxify anything.  So I'm not feeling so bad about eating earlier than I should.  I'm trying to justify this.  I really just can't.  I don't care.  I'm eating the friggin Ruben Saturday.  Friday I'm going to have the lemonade in the morning... eat oranges throughout the day... and a salad with lite dressing for dinner.  Omg now Paula Dean is on Conan.  I am hunggggggggggggggggry.

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